Searching Algorithms with javascript

Searching Algorithms

  • Linear Search

    it finds what we are searching for by
    brute force, making it easy to implement.
    we will use three different ways in javascript.

    first way : search with includes method.

    *example: Array.includes("something");

    *includes method will return True or False.

    second way : search with indexOf method.

    *example: Array.indexOf("something");

    *indexOf method will return number 'the index of the something'

    third way : search with Find method.

    *example: Array.find(item => item === "something");

    *we write in this method a function and it will return something we search about.

  • Binary Search

    Binary search only works on sorted arrays.O(log n) 'big o notation'.

    Example : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] for example if we search for number 7

    we have in this array three things the first thing is the left = 1 and second thing is a right = 10 and last thing is a mid = 5

    so we will check the number 7 is more than the mid or less than the mid.

    if number 7 is more than mid the left will equal to mid + 1

    if number 7 less than mid the right will equal to mid - 1

    Code :

    const binarySearch = (sortedArr, value) => {

    let left = 0;

    let right = sortedArr.length - 1;

    while(left <= right) { const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2); const midVal = sortedArr[mid]; if(midVal === value) { return mid; } else if (midVal < value) { left = mid + 1;

    } else{

    right = mid - 1;



    return -1;



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